In St Aidan’s Academy ClassCharts is the platform used for communication, home learning and behaviour.
ClassCharts was launched in October 2022 and has been an exciting opportunity to develop our communication with parents/carers. We are using the platform to invite you into our Academy.
ClassCharts can be used for the following:
- Receive announcements via the app or email;
- Track behaviour;
- View your child’s/children’s timetable;
- View your child's/children’s homework;
- View live attendance for your child/children;
- Report an absence and inform the Academy Attendance Manager of appointments;
- Receive notifications of Call Back’s or Call Out’s which have led to a detention.
ClassCharts is an online system which we have introduced to support staff and school leadership with the management of achievement, behavior and set home learning. We highly value your continued support and believe that we can improve engagement & communication using this ClassCharts app.
If you require any support with using the ClassCharts app/website please use the support guides below.
If you are still unable to resolve the issue or you would like to provide us with any feedback, please complete the link below. Once submitted a member of staff will contact you to resolve the issue.
Support FormClassCharts Parent's User Guide.pdf
What do I need to do next as a parent/carer?
You will receive a personal log in details (parent code) to access Class Charts. Please then sign up and register. For this to work effectively and improve home school communication, we need all parents/carers to sign up. Each student has an assigned unique student code. Once you have been issued with a code, you will need to create an account and enter your parent code. Once you have logged in, links to the Android and iOS parent apps are also available from this page. If you have multiple children, you can add their unique parent code by ‘add pupil’ option onto the original account you have created. You do not need a separate account for each of your children.
Can multiple and/or separated parents have access to Class Chart for their child?
Yes. Any parent/carer can create their own Class Chart account, they just need their child’s parent code.
What happens if I choose not to register with Class Charts?
Parents/carers without Class Charts will not be able to access up to date school information, announcements, and any home learning their child is set.
Please can you clarify how as a parent/carer I should communicate with school?
If as a parent/carer you need to contact school, you can do so via telephone or by emailing school on . Enquiries will then be forwarded to the specific staff member who will endeavour to respond within 48 hours. Key Staff members are named on our website.
Please can we also highlight that during the school day staff are working with your children and are not always available to take direct phone calls or respond immediately to an enquiry.
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