St Aidan's C of E Academy



Modern Foreign Languages


Curriculum Overview

French Vision

 We aim to create the very best Linguists.  We challenge students to think, act and speak like those working in the field would.  We do this by equipping all our students with the knowledge and skills to thrive and succeed in language learning; encouraging and inspiring them with quality first teaching, broadening their awareness of other countries and communities and providing opportunities for participation in a broad range of linguistic and cultural educational experiences.


Use the link to read our French intent for KS3 and KS4.

French Curriculum Overview 

Use the links below to explore the French curriculum journey. 

Year 7  Year 8  Year 9  Year 10  Year 11 


Curriculum Team 

Miss M. Sheppard - Teacher of French

Key Stage 4 Courses

GCSE French - Pearson (current year 11)

GCSE French - Pearson (from 2024)


 Homework for KS3 is offered half-termly via a homework booklet. Homework for KS4 is offered as independent note taking and individual revision activities.

Enrichment Opportunities

 Intervention is offered for all GCSE year 11 students every Wednesday.

Exploring Careers in MFL

 Translator/ Interpretor

Intelligence Analyst


Diplomatic Service officer