Curriculum Overview
Geography Vision
A high-quality geography education should ignite a lasting curiosity and fascination in students about the world and its diverse people. It should provide them with knowledge about different places, cultures, resources, and both natural and human-made environments, while fostering a deep understanding of key physical and human processes on Earth. As students’ progress, their expanding knowledge of the world should enhance their understanding of the relationships between physical and human processes, and how landscapes and environments are formed and utilised. Geographical knowledge, skills, and understanding offer frameworks that explain how Earth's features are shaped, interconnected, and change over time at various scales.
The national curriculum for geography strives to ensure that all pupils:
- Develop contextual knowledge varying places, including their key physical and human characteristics.
- Understand the processes responsible for key physical and human geographical features of the world, and how they lead to spatial variation and change over time.
- Acquire the geographical skills needed to: Collect, analyse, and communicate data gathered from fieldwork.
- Interpret a range of geographical information sources, including maps, diagrams, globes and aerial photographs
- Communicate geographical information in multiple ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative data, and extended writing.
Use the link to read our Geography intent for KS3 and KS4.
Use the links below to explore the Geography curriculum journey.
Curriculum Team
Miss R. Trafford - Teacher of Geography
Ms. C. Fairlamb-Kosaros - Teacher of Geography
Key Stage 4 Courses
Homework for KS3 is offered half-termly via a homework booklet. Homework for KS4 is offered as independent note taking and individual revision activities.
Enrichment Opportunities
Fieldwork opportunities in both KS3 and KS4 allow students to explore the world around them for themselves. Geography in the news – discussions about current geographical issues regularly take place in the classroom.
Exploring Careers in Geography
Y7 - Urban city planner
Y8 - Zoologist
Y9 - Law / Policy maker
Y10 - Environmental Scientist
Y11 – Marketing
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