St Aidan's C of E Academy





Curriculum Overview

Science Vision

 At St Aidan’s Academy we are committed to providing a stimulating, engaging and intellectually challenging learning environment. This enables all our pupils to develop scientific consciousness, from the subatomic to the intergalactic.

We aim to give all pupils a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically. They will gain an understanding of scientific processes and an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.

At St Aidan’s, scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the pupils study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at school. This model allows pupils to build upon their prior knowledge and increases their enthusiasm for the topics whilst embedding this procedural knowledge into the long-term memory.


Use the link to read our science intent for KS3 and KS4.

Science Curriculum Overview 

Use the links below to explore the Science curriculum journey.


Curriculum Team 

Mr. J. Preston-Pacey - Assistant Headteacher - Director of Science

Mr. N. Smith - Deputy Headteacher - Teacher of Science

Mrs. J. MacMurray - Teacher of Science

Mrs. A. Stephenson - Teacher of Science

Miss. E. Terry - Teacher of Science

Mr. B. Holden - Teacher of Science

Mr. A. Atkinson - Teacher of Science 

Miss C. Robson - Science Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mr. J. Baria - Science Technician

Key Stage 4 Courses

GCSE Combined Science - Edexcel


At St Aidan's homework is set weekly in science using the platform Sparx Science.

Pupil's homework is set to their ability and always includes both topics the pupils are currently learning along with consolidation. 

Access Sparx Science 

Enrichment Opportunities

 Beyond the classroom the science department enhances the curriculum through a number of activities:

  • Weekly STEM Club
  • A-Level Bridging Lessons with Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College
  • Termly Science Project Weeks
  • CREST Awards


We also have strong links with the following organisations: 

  • Cummins
  • Durham University
  • Teesside University
  • Sunderland University
  • County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust
  • Tees Valley Combined Authority

What is a science lesson like at St Aidan's?

Being in a science lesson at St Aidan's is very informative and interactive, but also challenging which allows me to reach my full potential. I am given regular feedback which really helps me make improvements in my work. 

Lainey N Y10

Science at St Aidan's teaches me about the real world. I enjoy that I get to take part in practicals and afterschool clubs. 

Jacob G Y8 

The subject has the element of logic and the teachers at St Aidan’s aren’t afraid to go in depth. They make the lesson intriguing, complex but understandable. They are always open to discussion and questions.

Lucy L Y11


Exploring Careers in Science

Careers bring context to our science lessons at St Aidan's. We investigate a career in at least every topic that is taught in Y7-11. 

Science Project Weeks

Each term in KS3 pupils complete a week-long project centred around practical investigations and careers. We use this opportunity to invite guest speakers into lessons so pupils can learn even more. 

Science Autumn Term Careers

Below are some of the careers we are exploring this term.

Y7 - Sports Nutritionist & Non-Destructive Technician

Y8 – Aeronautical Engineer

Y9 – Power Station Engineer

Y10 – Vet

Y11 - Cardiologist