St Aidan's C of E Academy




Curriculum Overview - English


English forms the basis for our development, relationships and our understanding of the world around us. The study of English is key to our personal growth and, through the development of effective written and spoken communication, it is the foundation for all our learning. At St. Aidan’s, we believe that the ability to communicate effectively, confidently and with clarity is crucial in becoming an effective participant in our wider community. We believe that pupils deserve a broad and ambitious English curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for future learning or employment.  


English lessons are varied, fun and delivered with vigour to ensure that pupils in English classrooms are inspired, believe in themselves and want to realise their potential. English skills and understanding extend far beyond the reaches of the classroom and our intention is to broker those connections with pupils, provide bespoke opportunities for them to develop these skills and learning; not only to prepare them for external examinations, but to secure the skills needed to survive in the world beyond school and to grow into fully rounded, eloquent speakers, readers and writers of English.


The curriculum in English aims to ensure that our pupils read easily, with fluency and appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage. We aim to achieve this through schemes of learning which allow pupils to read a variety of fiction and non- fiction text, from Shakespearean to modern day. Pupils will work towards producing and developing texts that read fluently, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Schemes offer tasks where pupils can use discussion in order to learn and particularly to support their reading and writing; they will be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas; they will be competent in the arts of speaking and listening, through paired and group learning. As the curriculum develops, pupils will acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and a knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. This will be achieved through studying works from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Pupils will make critical comparisons, referring to the contexts, themes, characterisation, style and literary quality of texts and draw on knowledge and skills from wider reading.

Our English curriculum will give pupils the opportunity to:  

  • read complex passages confidently and methodically, to breakdown the language and structure to establish and analyse meaning; 
  • demonstrate mastery of reading through discussion and writing; 
  • enjoy a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts which help them to connect with the world around them; 
  • develop an understanding of the world around them that will help remove barriers to achievement in school, future learning and the world of work; 
  • write clearly, fluently and accurately in English, showing flair and creativity; 
  • develop thoughtful and detailed ideas in writing, adapting language to suit a range of audiences and purposes; 
  • use a wide range of appropriate and ambitious vocabulary with accuracy; 
  • articulate and express their ideas, views and opinions about a wide range of topics clearly, confidently and respectfully.



We want St Aidan’s pupils to acknowledge, enjoy and embrace the big ideas in both Language and Literature; to have a deep understanding of how a writer crafts a piece of work and develop the skills to model this in their own work. We want pupils to acquire a rich knowledge of our literary heritage and be able to appreciate the events within British culture that have inspired writer’s pieces.

Pupils will leave St Aidan’s able to realise their ambitions, supported by the key skills of all forms of communication.

This curriculum will:

  • Develop and support pupils in their journey to becoming coherent, exciting readers, writers and speakers
  • Help pupils to understand the craft of the written and spoken word and evaluate its impact
  • Secure an understanding and love of literature
  • Provide a platform for the future development of their skills in reading, writing and speaking.